Sponsorship Level / Foursome:

    (Advocacy, Hope, Courage, Tee Sign, Individual Foursome, Individual Golfer, Dinner Only)

    Number of Mulligan Plus Packets:

    Payment is due in full upon signature of contract, or according to the pledge schedule below.

    Electronic copy of your logo is due to Gina Longmire (ginalongmire@gmail.com) ten (10) days from
    signature date ( logos can’t be accepted after May 20, 2021).

    Enclosed is my check to Shirley Ann Foundation for
    Visa/MasterCard payment for

    Shirley Ann Foundations is an IRS 501C3 charity. Tax ID #: 83-2185360

    Golfer Information

    Name & information can be provided at a later date

    Foursome 1

    Foursome 2

    Foursome 3